Curly Burlys, Muddle-Heads and the Thames

In our modern times, the symbol of eternity a classic round ring represents, is hardly important any more. However, symbolism does play a role: thus, wedding rings can be square and have multiple uses.

Flexible rings that tumble around the hand (such as the Curly Burlys and the Muddle-Heads) look expressive and delicate but are – nonetheless – strong.

The exchange of rings in our culture dates back to the Romans. It refers to the symbol of the circle knowing neither beginning nor end. In the old Chinese concept the ‘moon man’ was used. During the night he connected the legs of a newly born boy and a girl with an invisible red thread. Mysteriously they were, while growing up, attracted to each other, which in the end culminated in marriage. The magnificent wedding rings for David & Shawn (David being Alan Gibbs’ right hand) incarnate the Thames as the symbol of where they used to live. In my jewellery line of rings I frequently make use of the shift from a classical round ring to rings with different shapes, which reflect the personality of the person wearing the ring.


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